Sundays 10am in person at the Midtown Center + online
expansive. engaging. inclusive.
Looking for a gathering that opens your mind and engages your heart? One that engages real issues of justice and is welcoming to people of all ages, races, backgrounds and orientations? Join us for worship in-person at the Midtown Center in Holland, located on 16th Street just West of River, or tune in online via Facebook Live. Parking is available in the lot on 16th Street. We are meeting in the second floor Study Hall. There is an elevator available.
At Holland UCC, all are welcome at the table: believers, doubters, gay, straight, single, married, divorced, wondering, wandering—come as you are. The door will be open.
We are an LGBTQ open and affirming community.
We acknowledge that the land we gather on is not ours and was stolen from the original inhabitants.